Dad Life (The Movie)

#kids #dadlife
#kids #dadlife

The glow on their faces as they swirled and waved their sparklers was something out of an Americana  movie.

The smoke in the air and the firework shows from several surrounding towns was the backdrop for this amazing visual. The addition of the delayed booms after the sight of lights dancing in the sky completed the opening scene to the movie.
Many people were celebrating Independence Day, but I was celebrating being a father. By far, my most favorite role in life and one that I truly feel I was born to play. I assure you, there is nothing better for a man.
My 5 year old son asked me if I miss being a kid. I told him “every day of my life, but thank God I have you and your sister to make me feel like one”.
Like almost any person on the other side of 40, I miss being a kid. I miss the innocence.  I miss the uncontrollable laughter and I miss the absence of the guard or front that grows as you get older.  I miss falling asleep in the backseat of the car and waking up in bed-wondering how the hell I got there.  (You can do this as an adult, but it requires large quantities of booze).
I look back at my childhood and have no regrets on the things that we did. We had an amazing time!  My duty is to make sure my kids get the full “kid experience” with all the bells and whistles that come along with it! Not forcing them into difficult life lessons that I learned at their age, yet not robbing them of those same moments if they organically occur. You gotta get burned by a sparkler in order to learn that they can hurt you. To take what you learned and remember it moving forward as you ask a grown up to light another one for you.
The theme of the day was freedom. Nothing more free than thinking like a child and enjoying this wonderful holiday with wide eyes, an open heart and childlike enthusiasm. Honestly, I do miss being a kid, but I love being a dad more than anything and I wouldn’t trade one day of my life as a parent for a week of being a kid again.

Radio Imagineer and host. Texan, Blogger, Author, Father of 2 awesome kids, husband to Christal and driver of a 1965 Chevy truck. Author of Pull The Trigger and #Tryharder.

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