You don’t learn anything by doing things the easy way.

Growing up I had this friend who was always trying to make money by doing every get rich quick scheme he could think of.  Remember when stuffing envelopes was the thing that sounded so easy and profitable?  All you had to do was stuff envelopes and you could make millions! Needless to say, he never got rich off of doing that or several of the other things he tried.  He had to, reluctantly, actually work in order to make money.  Life isn’t easy. If we could, we would naturally want to take the path of least resistance. If someone offered you the opportunity to make more money and be more successful by doing less work, we would all jump on that opportunity.  It doesn’t exist.  It won’t happen. 
You don’t learn anything by doing things the easy way.
With anything, you have to put in the time.  Some of us think we have already paid our “dues” and we shouldn’t have to do certain things anymore.  That once we get to a certain level in life or career, we no longer have to deal with certain tasks and challenges and we can keep our hands clean of the “grunt” work.  It’s just not true.  I have been in my chosen profession for almost 18 years and every task or duty that I did then, I am still responsible for today.  My job title is different, but the base of responsibilities that I had in 1995, still fall upon me in 2013.  Not to mention the countless additional tasks that came with the pay raises and promotions over the years.  If you are in the same field of work and you are no longer doing any of the duties you were doing when you first got in, chances are you are out of touch.  You might soon be learning something the hard way and not by choice.  
You don’t learn anything by doing things the easy way.  
My parents used to take me to the bar with them when I was a kid.  They liked to have a few beers on a Friday or Saturday night after a long week of work.  I grew up in the middle of nowhere, so going with them to a smokey bar was much more interesting than sitting around the house and flipping through the 5 basic channels we had on tv.  I used to play pool and for a while there I got pretty good at it.  I would obsess about angles and trick shots and would play them out in my head for days.  One of the things my dad taught me was to always take the hardest shots first; before you take the easy ones.  The easy shots will always be there and if you make the hard shot first, you could then run the table.  There’s a life lesson there, but I will let you figure it out on your own.  
You don’t learn anything by doing things the easy way.  
Nobody has ever had a successful relationship without going through some challenging times.  You know the couples, the ones that flaunt how “easy” their relationship is and how they never fight or disagree about anything?  They are very vocal about how they have figured it all out and found the secret to the happiest of relationships.  Chances are, they will let you know how much more sex they are having than you too.  Those couples seem to always flaunt that for some reason?  Those couples never make it.  They are one of the first in your group of friends to divorce or break up.  When they start to hit a road block or bump in their relationship, they freak out and bring the drama into your circle of friends.  They don’t know how to handle it and they turn to others…it’s hard not to want to say “I told you so” when they were so quick to brag how much better their relationship was than yours. 
If you have never been at a crossroads or felt lost in life or in your career-you are doing it wrong.  You need challenges.  You need to face the unknown and challenge yourself to take the path of MOST resistance.  You have to go through some (for a lack of a better term) “shit”, in order to grow and learn.  
You don’t learn anything by doing things the easy way.  
#sex #relationships #shootingpool #stuffenvelopes #growing. 

Radio Imagineer and host. Texan, Blogger, Author, Father of 2 awesome kids, husband to Christal and driver of a 1965 Chevy truck. Author of Pull The Trigger and #Tryharder.

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